
Slitaz -- virtualbox-3.2.0 / slitaz-vbox.iso

tazlito emu-iso ( default -m 256 )

Qemu -m 512

tazlito emu-iso ( -m 512 )

slitaz-vbox.iso: based on slitaz-3.0.iso + virtualbox-3.2.0 + guestadditions + wenquanyi_10pt.pcf

# sed -i "s/-m 256/-m 512/" /etc/tazlito/tazlito.conf

root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 10 12:37 rootcd
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Jun 10 12:37 rootfs
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# time tazlito gen-initiso

0 bytes saved in duplicate files.
Generating lzma'ed initramfs...
LZMA 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06

Filesystem size: 78.1M 486033 blocks

Computing md5... [ OK ]

Generating ISO image
Generating slitaz-201006111311.iso
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
12.00% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
24.02% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
36.00% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
48.01% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
59.99% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
72.01% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
83.98% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
96.00% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 11 13:14:45 2010
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 5420
Total directory bytes: 12288
Path table size(bytes): 64
Max brk space used 21000
41678 extents written (81 MB)
Creating hybrid ISO... [ OK ]
Creating the ISO md5sum... [ OK ]

Distro statistics (/home/slitaz/distro)
Build date : 20100611 at 13:14:45
Packages : 212
Rootfs size : 257.5M
Initramfs size : 78.9M
ISO image size : 82.1M
Image is ready: slitaz-201006111311.iso

real 3m 3.44s
user 2m 56.55s
sys 0m 4.66s
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 10 12:37 rootcd
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Jun 10 12:37 rootfs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 85983232 Jun 11 13:14 slitaz-201006111311.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 58 Jun 11 13:14 slitaz-201006111311.md5
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# tazlito emu-iso slitaz-201006111311.iso &
Starting Qemu emulator:

qemu -m 256 slitaz-201006111311.iso

root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# qemu -m 512 -cdrom slitaz-201006111311.iso &
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# tail -2 /etc/tazlito/tazlito.conf
# Qemu emulator options for command: emu-iso
QEMU_OPTS="-m 256"
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# sed -i "s/-m 256/-m 512/" /etc/tazlito/tazlito.conf
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# tail -2 /etc/tazlito/tazlito.conf
# Qemu emulator options for command: emu-iso
QEMU_OPTS="-m 512"
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz/distro# tazlito
SliTaz Live Tool - Version: 3.0

Usage: tazlito [command] [list|iso|flavor|compression] [dir|iso]

usage Print this short usage.
stats View Tazlito and distro configuration statistics.
gen-config Generate a new configuration file for a distro.
configure Configure the main config file or a specific tazlito.conf.
gen-iso Generate a new ISO from a distro tree.
gen-initiso Generate a new initramfs and ISO from the distro tree.
list-flavors List all available package lists on the mirror.
gen-flavor Generate a new live-CD description.
gen-liveflavor Generate a live-CD description from current system.
show-flavor Show live-CD description.
get-flavor Get a flavor's list of packages.
upgrade-flavor Update package list to the latest available versions.
extract-flavor Extract a (*.flavor) flavor into /home/slitaz/flavors.
pack-flavor Pack (and update) a flavor from /home/slitaz/flavors.
check-list Check a distro-packages.list for updates.
extract-distro Extract an ISO to a directory and rebuild LiveCD tree.
gen-distro Generate a Live distro and ISO from a list of packages.
clean-distro Remove all files generated by gen-distro.
check-distro Help to check if distro is ready to release.
writeiso Use running system to generate a bootable ISO (with /home).
merge Merge multiple rootfs into one iso.
repack Recompress rootfs into iso with maximum ratio.
build-loram Generate a live-CD for low ram systems.
frugal-install Frugal install in /boot/frugal from a distro or ISO.
emu-iso Emulate an ISO image with Qemu.
burn-iso Burn ISO image to a cdrom using Wodim.
