
Slitaz on Radxa Rock

Ubuntu 14.04 and Slitaz on Radxa Rock

First download boot-slitaz-20140517.img (kernel + slitaz ramdisk), and slitaz-armhf-mini-2012-12-14.zip. Extract the rootfs from slitaz-armhf-mini-2012-12-14.img (ext-4 partition). then follow the 「Flashing Ubuntu to Radxa Rock」 section in my getting started guide for Radxa Rock to flash boot.img. It is simply one line:
upgrade_tool di -b /path-to/boot-slitaz-20140517.img
Simply login with root username, and root password to access the command line. It might also be possible to use a more up-to-date rootfs from http://arm.slitaz.org/rpi/, but it is only armel.
[Update: Alanyih has also been given me the build instructions for his Slitaz image:
git clone -b wip/lsk-android-14.04-radxa-rock https://github.com/linux-rockchip/kernel_rockchip.git
make radxa_rock_defconfig
make zImage rk3188-radxa-rock.dtb
cat arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/rk3188-radxa-rock.dtb > zImage-lsk
mkbootimg --kernel zImage-lsk --ramdisk slitaz-ramdisk.gz -o boot-slitaz-20140517.img
Both Ubuntu 14.04 and Slitaz should be able to run on any Rockchip RK3188 device thanks to the device tree and multi-platform enabled Linux kernel, as long as you can somehow come up with the right device file for your device, which may not always be an easy task.
boot-slitaz-20140517.img (kernel + slitaz ramdisk)